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Spring Clean Resentment Out, And Get Joy And Happiness In

Want to attract new people into your life? Check the levels of resentments you have towards all areas of your life; Because resentment is like plague on teeth; it creeps up on you and it ruins the whole mouth.

Being irritated, frustrated or hurt by what others say or do is something we encounter by going through life, everybody experience this at one time or another. When we are irritated it only means; I don't like "this", what is happening goes against my personal values. When we don't address those irritations, they becomes frustrations, it is then a short step to become anger. In anger we all can say and do things we regret later.

When we are angry towards ourselves we take that out on the people around us, then those people feel hurt and attacked, which become irritations and frustrations ..... and so the circles go around and around.

Have you ever had the thought " I should say or do something about "this" right now" and you didn't? I bet you did, because all of us have thoughts like that. All those little thoughts are the building blocks towards resentment that will suck the joy and happiness out of our lives.

Here are 5 tips on how we can start cleaning out our resentment.

  1. Self examination: Pay attention to what is irritating you and ask yourself these questions. How am I feeling today? How does what happened affect me? What was my reaction when it happened? When we not feeling good we will noticed that we can have a very short fuse and be easy to set off and it snowballs from there.

  2. Express yourself in a controlled way: When we address our hurt to the person who hurt us, talk from your point of view; how the whole episode affected YOU. Don't start blaming but stay calm and relaxed as possible. This will help your blood pressure as well.

  3. Take personal responsibility: Take full responsibility on what you said and done. We all said and done things we are not proud off, but don't push you mistakes on others. Own them, maybe apologize for them and move on.

  4. Watch how you react: We may not choose the conflict but we are in control on how we react to it. When irritations and frustrations are coming up, stop, pause and take a moment to regroup and then decide what the response will be.

  5. Write letters and burn them: When the resentment is already moved in, we can do an exercise. You need pen and paper, take 15 minutes and write a letter to the person or event that you resent. Don't censor just write, when the letter is done or the 15 minutes are up destroy the letter. Do this every day until you can't find words or the anger is gone.

With releasing resentment we will find that our attitudes will change, we become more open, friendlier and that will attract people to us. Want a life partner or new friends? Watch the attitude and resentment is a big part of it. There are many therapists and life-coaches as myself, that can help you to get started and clear out the bitterness. Do you think you are worth it?

For more information or a free sample session Contact Ellen Nyland

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