Responsibility is one of those words that we assume that we know what it means; BUT it often means something very different for various people and that is where the trouble starts. In the moment that we assume we have the same view on who's “responsibility” it is, we are in trouble.
We can argue about it, we can leave "the toilet's lead up", on how money is spent, who is in charge of paying bills or scheduling social and family events till the cows come home. If we never figure out our own responsibility; how in the world can we than even comment on somebody else?
That's is what responsibility is, taking control on the things YOU think- say or do, not what everybody else think you should do. Arguing over control and who is accountable is a symptom that we are afraid to claim our own power, it is way easier to blame somebody than to stand up and say “ wow I messed up there .“ Fear of not being good, smart, beautiful enough or just have different ideas then the rest of your society cripple us in taking control of our own life.
We don't teach our children responsibility; just by not giving them any, and indulge them in everything they want. At the same time we say “teenagers and young adults are so irresponsible I’m afraid for the workforce and their bosses.” The western society is so all about “protecting “their children that it becomes enabling. With enabling we create entitlement and a generation that never learned to think for themselves or be self sufficient. Let alone we teach them to be strong enough to handle life on their own. By the time you reach the age of 25 nobody asks you what do you need and how can I help you at least not in the work force or outside the family fold.
Is all lost right now; No there is always hope but don’t wait for somebody else to give you permission on using your inner strength and start to think for yourself.
Tips on how to start:
You are so magnificent in your own way that you do yourself a huge disservice by not taking full control of your life. You are not a puppet for others to jerk around; you are worth it, let the world hear your true inner voice.
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