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8 ways to create a great first impression

When looking for a partner or job it is essential to give of a great first impression, because it is the first impression that determines how the relationship will develop. This stems from our ancestors who had to rely on their basic instincts to survive. We still use the same technique; it is subconsciously but it is very difficult to change our opinion about the first impression of that person or establishment.

Because it is sometimes hard to see what your first impression is, ask family and friends for feedback. To start you can ask them about the 8 points you find below.

  1. What is your clothing style telling about you?: The first thing people noticed is the way we dress. Therefore ask your friends or even a stylist, what they think about your clothing style. Ask yourself, is my clothing style in harmony with who I truly Am, and what I want to show others?

  2. Modify language to the company you are in. Laughing and joking are a great way to break the ice in a new situation, but be careful with the jokes you tell, because somebody can take offense, or doesn't share the same sense of humor than you do. The same counts for swearing, or talks about religion or politics.

  3. Watch your body language: Communication is over 70% done through body language; how you move your arms or tilt your head. Those are little clues you give off, on how you perceive the interaction you are in.

  4. Smile: Smiling is contagious, when you smile the other will smile back; and it tells others I Am a friendly safe person, don't be afraid. This gives you and open approachable appearance, and people will gravitate to you.

  5. Have a conversation about a topic you know: When you talk; talk about something you know. When you want to contribute to a conversation were you have no knowledge of the topic, ask questions. If you pretend that you know something and you don't, you make yourself look like a fool. Keep in mind nobody knows everything, but asking questions gets you involved and you may learn something.

  6. Be yourself: Be genuine, show the really you; nothing is more attractive than somebody who is real. It give the other permission to do the same; and that is a great foundation for a lasting relationship.

  7. Be Honest : We all have good and bad days, and it is beneficial when you let somebody in on your mood. You don't need to explain in detail your bad mood; but you can say: "If I come over as grumpy or anti social I'm sorry, there is just lots going on right now that don't go well and it has nothing to do with you."

As for first impression on a house or space:

8. Make it inviting: When you have a clean counter, floor and washroom, while de-clutter the space you will find that goes a long way. No need to scrub the place within a inch of your life or have impressive art hanging on the wall.

Good luck and please share a story about a first impression that either turned up a right or a wrong one.

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